Sunday, November 18, 2007

Never Apart - Guang Liang (09 Nov 2007)

I haven't downloaded any album since Wangzi in June. I haven't suffered AF everyday either. But when I accidentally went to the Download Section last week and found out "Never Apart"'s thread..., how could I omit a Guang Liang's production ?

When I first listened to this album, it was just... so-so
The 2nd time I listened to it, it seems like there are 1 or 2 songs which are nice and have beautiful lyric.
The 3rd time...
4th time....I kept playing it and now, if somebody asks me to make comment on it, I will tell you: I LOVE this album !!!!

Get Your Own Player!

If there were a song which had the highest recommendation, it'd be this song: "住在遙遠的星球 - Living on a distant planet". The lyric is about a love-triangle. The singer wondered who was wrong since you know that, sometimes it wasn't anyone's fault when he loved her but she only loved someone else...

Since I couldn't find any English translation, I had to make a rough one here. There are few words I didn't understand either... hichic.. but I was too lazy to find a dictionary

If he told you, he still loved you
Would you come back to his memories (his place) ?
If I told you, I'd protect you
能不能给我为你努力的权力, 别让我住在遙遠的星球, 凝望无助的你在哭泣
Would you think of all my endeavour, then don't leave me to stay in a distant planet
(???)...still crying

If you are looking for another Tonghua or Yueding, you can't find it here. But this album is still worth listening to.
Same as Michael. He's always an artist who is worth being admired.